Resident Evil Remake – ‘’When the Two Have Run Each Other Through’’ So don’t go expecting any RE: 3 water sample, because that is a poorly-conceived nightmare that drags its game to a crushing standstill and I will not accept any argument to the contrary. Please note, we’re only going to be talking about the best examples of puzzles here, not the toughest. With that in mind, let’s celebrate a few memorable highlights from the franchise’s perplexing history. It’s just not an authentic RE experience if you don’t get hopelessly stuck, trying to figure out how some antique relic is meant to get you into an underground facility. In fact, they’re so tightly woven into the very fabric of the series, that it feels wrong whenever they’re sidelined.

Alongside grotesque bioweapons, spurious conspiracies, and demented interior design, puzzles are an inextricable part of Resident Evil’s DNA.