I tried the warhammer mod and no, just no, whilst it has cool graphics the standing armies of the factions wipe out the bandits, meaning early game is friggin hard. Other than that it's been cool, I'm not sure if Tansy too tall should have been included but it was cool marrying her off to someone she didn't want to marry. I am disappointed by the lack of Robert lord of the Eyrie >.<. Having 20 followers is awesome! Kitting them out is a complete pain in the butt though.

GAME ON WESTEROS!Ī clash of kings is a good mod, I'm really enjoying the no follower limit and no feuding. Not fun! However I just picked up 39k from my villiage seneschal. I did not know this and for about 4 weeks was subsisting on whatever i could sell in the market place. Your weekly earnings and prisoner ransoms are stored in your treasury in your holdings. Bullockist wrote: This is a public service announcement for all those new to Floris mods and derivative mods.